
Zoosk asked, “How else can we support relationships beyond our flagship online dating product?” My team responded with Alfred, a mobile app that doesn’t try to prevent dating disasters, but rather turn them into possibilities.

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Alfred Proposal Deck


Zoosk wanted to explore ways of supporting romantic relationships (or potential romantic relationships) beyond online dating, “before or after they use Zoosk”.

This design challenge was issued as an assignment for the Rapid Design for Slow Change course. We had 5 days to design and submit our solution.


Awarded Second Place
(including honorable mention on the Zoosk User Experience blog)

The  Zoosk user experience team thought that our app Alfred was a clever, discreet way of providing dating alerts and tips before, during and after a date.

Process Summary

As we interviewed representatives from Zoosk, a former Zoosk user, read reviews from other Zoosk users, and researched Zoosk’s brand/brand perception and offerings, we became interested in the idea of negative dating experiences. These experiences don’t always break, but rather sometimes make a relationship.

We created  journey maps to identify the current touch points of Zoosk in romantic relationships, and the potential touch points Zoosk could have. We then brainstormed ways in which negative dating experiences could be pivoted, and how these could be supported by a mobile app. After developing scenarios and using bodystorming techniques to work out appropriate mechanics for the app, we then presented our concept with an annotated mock-up.



Adobe Illustrator

My Contribution    

Literature Review
Persona Development Scenario Development Deck Preparation


Pui Mo
Clark Mullen